An Historic Event Occurred in November of 2014:
A Historic Photo is Found from 1933:
Wakodahatchee (Park In Florida)
All Wet:
Happy Fish
Serious Fish:
What did he get??
A stick!!!!
Chiropractor Recommended Bird Exercise:
Apartment Living
Eating Something:
Mister Turtle's Close Up
And Lunch is Served!!!
Until Lunch's Friends Show up and chase you away
I thought this was going to be the Gator's lunch.... but after stalking it for a while the Gator just swam on by:
Double Landing - The control tower will hear about this!!
This iguana was hanging out.... in a tree.
How can I be PINK in a swamp.... just put a sign on me that says "Gators, please eat me."
Green Cay Boardwalk: