April 2012:

Carol and I visit my parents in Florida

Carol and I visit Blue Springs State Park in Florida



Mom and Dad take in a tenant



Dinner At My Parents:

Amy and Steven



Computer Experts At Work!!!!!



Intercostals Boat Ride with Barry and Bunny.  (Delray Tours)

Watching other boats cross under the draw bridge.



Who needs a stincken boat!!!!

Taking the dog for a "Walk"...

My Summer House.


My Brother enjoying the boat tour.

Mom and Dad







Blue Springs Park:

Park Entrance


Pine Island Hiking Trail


Kayak  and Swimming:








Where the Blue Spring and the St James Rover meet.



Thursbys House:

Aliens From Above!!!!!!!!


Photos from Boat Tour at Blue Springs.





Below - By Alligator Beach - Night Time:

Above -Baby Gator in the Water.

Below - By Alligator Beach - Day Time:








NASA tours Explained - See Above.

VAB from a Distance.

Above - Rocket Ready for Launch,







Inside The VAB  (Vehicle Assemble Building)





Consoles from first manned space flight.







Rocket Garden.



Dixie Cross Roads:






Wekiwa Springs Park: