Al and Bess 50th Anniversary Photos:
Belle and Harry Sussman (Bess's sister)
Uncle Hermie
Eddie and Cousin Ray Albahe
Al and Bess with Mannette Greenhut daughtor of Bert and Matt Greenhut
50th Wedding with Jackie singing.(Al's Brother)
Syke and Hermie
Leon with a big smile!!!
Jackie , Sammy from Calafornia (Al's Brother), Hermie, Bess and Al , Harrie Susman ,Lester Tokars (Bess's sister Roses' Husband)
Jackie, Syke Belle, Bess and Al
Jeannie (sister of Al), Wendy , Brenda and right is Becky (sister of Al)
Jeannie, Eddy , Syke,Belle (in profile), Jackie behind Bess, Al, Brenda,Wendy, Rose Tokars (Bess'es Sister) Becky.... behind Brenda is Harry and next to him Bess'es brother-in-law ?? Tokars??
Brenda , Wendy , Allen , Becky
Allen,Jeannie ,Syke, Belle , Hermie (in background) , Bess ,Al , Harrie, Brenda, Wendy , Rose?, Becky
Al, Bess and Eddie
Allen , ??, Al, Bess, Brenda , Steven, Wendy
Al and Bess with Libby (purple top) and Hermie and then Jeannie, Eddie, ?? Tockars and Rose..
2nd Row: from left --Eda Capsuto married to uncle Jackie who is on back row , Al , Tommy Rissman (Becky's Husband)
Front Row: Sammy,Bess, Becky and Belle
Syke, Larry Sussman, Brian Sussman, Dianne Sussman, Rona , Al , Leon , Rhoda , Lany, ?? Joel's Wife ???, Joel Sussman????
Sammy, Eda, Jackie, Belle, Harry, Becky
Rose Tokars , Lester Tokars, Jeanie , Hermie and Libby.
Blue Dress is Rose Levenston (of Rose and Herman) .. to right Marie friend of Al and Bess.... Far right is Bert (female friend of Al and Bess), Bert husband is behind her.
Tommy and Becky Rissman.
Sammy , Eda, Bess, Becky , Belle and Harrie
Back Row:
Jackie , Al and Tommie
Marie (friend) and Bess.
Friends Ike and Molly Behar
Hermie and Mannette Greenhut
Libby and Hermie
Lanny, Hermie,Libby,Sammy ,Rona, Steven, Backy all the way to the right.
Jackie and Rona.
Jeannie and Eddie
Eda (Jackie's wife ) talking to Sammy.
Hermie and Rona.
????,????, Sammy
Branda and Steven..
Annie and Hermie
Marie and Al
Annie and Sammy
Betty Elias and Bess
Al and Bess
Al, Sammy and Rona...
Rona and Leon
Al and his sister Jeannie -- On right isd Lanny, Rhoda and Bert.
Wendy and Brenda
Becky and Allen
Al and Libby
Al and Jeannie
Bess and Al
Hermie, Libby, Rona and Leon.
Hermie and Betty Elias
Diann Susman, Eddie Capsuto, Franco (firend of Eddie) , Rona
Al and Bess
Back Row: Harry Sussman, Belle Sussman, Al and Bess, Syke, Tommy Rissman, Jeannie Cohen, Libby . Becky, Sammy, Jackie
Frotn Row - Hermie, Rose Tokars and Husband Mr Tokars....Eda (Sandie's Mom/ Jackie;s wife)
Backrow: Harry, Belle, Al and Bess, Syke, Tommy, Jeannie, Libby, Becky, Sammy, Jackie.
Font Row: Hermie, Rosa (Bess's sister) , Lester Tokar (roses husband), Eda (Jackie's wife)
See note on above photo.
Hermie Jackie Jeanie becky Sam, Eddie and Al
Bess with her sisters Belle (left) and Rose (seated).
Al and Bess's nieghbors.
Hermie and Larry Sussman
Loibby, Rona and Leon.
Dianne , Rona , Norman and Brabra Greenhut's , Menette Greenhut. .
Becky, Jeanie, Eddie and Syke
Syke, Lanny, Jackie, Jeanie and Becky.
Syke and Libby
Rona, Tommy, Lester Tokars, Rose Tokars, Hermie and Dianne Sussman in forground.
Hermie and Libby
Libby and Bess
Rona and Syke
Brenda and Hermie with Hair!!!!!!
Brands , Hermie and Steven
Branda, Hermie, Steven with Wendy in Back
Rose and Leter Tokar.
Mr Tokars, Dianne Sussman and Rona Capsuto
Larry and Brian Sussman
Uncle Jackie
Jeanie and Al Capsuto
Syke , Rona, Becky, Eddie, Bess with back turned and ????
Lester and Rose.Tokars
Steven in center and Sammy on right.
Bert in the glasses, Syke , Rona, Eddie
Bert in the glasses, Syke , Rona, Eddie
Allen Capsuto
Mennette, Bess (background) , Betty Elias (on right)
Mennette Greenhut, Bess and Belle(background) , Betty Elias (on right)
Syke. (photo by Rona)
Syke, Rona, Eddie, Belle
Bess and Sammy
Jeannie center of photo
On right standing is friend Rose.
Jackie and Al
Leon, Tokars and Tommy
Libby and Jackie
Rona and Hermie
Rona , Beckie and Syke.
Al and Bess
Allen and Hermie
Jeannie, Rona , Skye Eda Libby , Hermie , Becky
Hermie and cleaning staff at hotel.
Back - Tommy and Rona.
Middle - Sammy , Sykie, Eda, Becky, Libby.
Front - Jeannie ,Jackie, Hermiem, Eddie
Back --Jeannie, Rona, Syke, Eda, Libby
Front --Hermie and Becky.
Eda, Hermie,Rona ,Libby, Syke and
Jeanie up front.
Eda, Rona, Libby
Hermie with his hand over Jeannie
Sammy and Hermie.
Sammy in back sear..
Eddie and Jackie
This was placed inside the front cover of the Al and Bess "50th/Wedding" albumb.
Bess in front row... third from left.
????? Wedding ?????