1900s Event List Page


 Click on one of the events below:

Scans_0001-0040   -   1985 Bell and Harry 50th

Scans_0027-0040 -    Allen's 1985_Graduation

Scans_0041-0057   -  Izzy Selsky - Philadelphia -  Allen, Steven and Leon Capsuto

Scans_0058-0095 -    Rona Capsuto and Mystery family  -posed photos, perhaps from a photography class??? 

Scans_0096-0113 -    Posed Photos -- Steven Capsuto, Allen Capsuto, Rona Capsuto, Leon Capsuto

Scans_0114-0135 -    Beach -  Allen Capsuto and his Mom Rona Capsuto.  Camping: Leon Capsuto , Rona Capsuto, Steven Capsuto, Allen Capsuto   

Scans_0136-0155 -    Halloween .    Philly Zoo.....  Cosmo and Madeline

Scans_0156_0178 -    Al and Bess Capsuto.  Nona.   Uncle Hermy .   Birthday Party

Scans_0179_0197-    Photos Around Cherry Hill ...   Barbra and Ralgh Kauffman.    First Day of School.     Perhaps Gettysburg

Scans_0198_0266-    Leon Capsuto and Steven Capsuto --  Pinewood Derby  .  Indian Guides.   Birthday Party around 5 years old

Scnas_0267_0285-    Mix of Olive Street photos with both sets of grandparents

Scans_0286_0309 -   Allen, Steven, Rona and Leon Capsuto Camping..

Scan_0331_0353 -    Miss Labeled

Scans_0354-0379 -  CH NJ and Vacation and Beach...

Scans_0380-0393 -  CH NJ House

Scans_0394-0401 -  Karate Poses  ---  Allen , Steven and our mother Rona Capsuto

Scans_0402-0404 - Harry and Belle Sussman (Lary's Parents)... with Izzy Selsky in background ...   at Al and Bess's house. 

Scans_0405-0408 -  Bret Harte Elementary School....   And Camping Photos.  

Scans_0435-0457 -  Dude Ranch Photos...

Scans_0458-0494 -  Magic Photos,    Posed photos around the house,   Camping and Trailer Flat (or Spring Failure) 

Scans_0495-0517 -  Indian Guides,  Photos Around House ,  Beach Photos , Camping Photos...  Donkey Rides.. 

Scans_0518-0540 -  Indian Guides and Family Hotel Trip  (Host Farms)

Scans_0541-0569 -  Indian Guides and Steven Magic Photos and a few France Photos.

Scans_0570-0586-  France Photos --  Including Steven helping Allen Capsuto escape the suitcase fortress.  

Scans_0587-0606   Poconos around 1960 or 1961.  Possibly Pocmont Lodge.  

Scans_0607_0617  Mystery Vacation to somplace...  

PicScn_0002-0093 Photos from the Wooden Album that looks to be from the 1940s and 1950s...

Photos_Dad_Wrestling  -  1955 Fourth Army Wrestling Championship Tournament

PicScn_Black_Album_via_iPhone  -  Late 1930s to 1950s 

PicBox_0094_0138  -    Al and Bess and Simblings Leon and Rhoda

PicBox_0139_0146   -  Photos of my Mom's Familey when she was about 12 years old...

PicScn_0147-0158  --  Holloween - Steven , Allen and Parents  Rona  and Leon

PicScn_0159-0208 --  Downington Inn in 1972 with AL and Bess Capsuto

PicScn_0217_0377 --  Mix of old photos with Al and Bess Capsuto including early photos..

PicBox_0378-0547--    Al and Bess 50th plus some random photots....

PicScn_0378-0547_Loose_Items    --        Al and Bess 50th -  loose photos

PicScn_0549-0673 -  Super bright trippy Album in small box -- Mix and Wendy , Brenda ..........

Red_Album_Loose_Front    -   My mom's side of the familey.

Red_Album_Main                    My mom's side of the familey     All photos renamed to line up with hand written notes.  All non-loose and non-small photos from Redf Album are here.

Red_Album_Small_Photos --   My mom's side of the familey     Pages with photos stacked on each other.   Need to update notes on it...

France_Photos_Escape_and_Young_Child --  France_Photos_Escape_and_Young_Child

Misc_Al_Bess_other  -  Misc_Al_Bess_other

 Yellow Box Misc       Yellow Box Misc

Scans_0713-0745_FUN_CHNJ_AL_BESS   Pictures in CH NJ with Granpa and Grandma from New York

Scnas_746-0769_Sea_Land    Scnas_746-0769_Sea_Land

Scans_770-0826_NJ_Young_Random   NJ_Young_Random

Scans_0827-0856-Studio_Work  Scans_0827-0856-Studio_Work

Scans_0857-0891  - **Need to add Labels** Susmans and ??? 

PicScn2_0003-0034_Posed_Studio_Al_Bess_Izzy_Fanny  **Need to add Labels**   Izzy / Fanny and Al / Bess Studio ????????

PicScn2_0035_0058_Cooper_River_Misc   **Need to add Labels**  PicScn2_0035_0058_Cooper_River_Misc

PicScn2_0071_0094_Poconos_from_photos    ---  More (or perhaps suplicate) Poconos Photos.

PicScn2_0095-0108_Perhaps_Sussmans  PicScn_0095-0108_Perhaps_Sussmans

PAL_Allen_891_964  -  PAL_Allen_891_964

Little_League Little_League

Calafornia_Trip Calafornia_Trip

Camping_and_NJ  Camping_and_NJ

Misc -  Large Group photowith formal clothing

More Indian Guides  - More Indian Guides

Misc_Fam_02_10_2023_Prints_Cooper_River  Misc_Fam_02_10_2023_Prints_Cooper_River

Trip West  Trip out West

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